About SAU #6
Federal Programs
Human Resources
Student Services
School lunch payment options:
Send cash or checks to your student's school. When sending in payment, please indicate your student's name and homeroom teacher or student lunch ID number. Checks are payable to your student's school lunch program.
Pay online through the K12 Payment Center. Please note when you pay online there is a small fee to cover the costs of banking transactions.
You can also view your student's current food account purchases by going to www.k12.paymentcenter.com. You will need your student's school ID number to add them to your account after it is created. This number can be found on your parent portal when logged in using a web browser, not the Powerschool App, or you may call your child's school to get their 10 digit student number.
SAU 6 participates in the USDA National School Lunch Program
SAU 6 Food Coordinator
Danielle Skinner
165 Broad Street
Claremont, NH 03743
Email: dskinner@sau6.org
Phone: 603 543-4200 x 6014
Abbey Group Food Service Director
Jaca Hughes
Email: jaca@abbeygroup.net
Fresh Picks Café Food Service Director
Shannon Whitman
Email: whitmans@whitsons.com
Phone: 603 543-4220 ext. 1050