About SAU #6
Federal Programs
Human Resources
Student Services
Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center
John Goodrich Business & Community Room
111 South St.
Claremont, NH 03743
Arlene Hawkins, Chair- Claremont
Rocco Ruggeri, Vice Chair- Unity
Marjorie Erickson, Unity
Shannon Popescu, Unity
Atonya Hart, Unity
Kelly Simpson, Unity
Bonnie Miles, Claremont
Whitney Skillen, Claremont
Heather Whitney, Claremont
Michael Petrin, Claremont
Frank Sprague, Claremont
Candace Crawford, Claremont
School Board Sub Committees
Superintendent Evaluation- Chair- Atonya Hart
Policy - Chair- Arlene Hawkins
How to "keyword" search documents
Open the document you want to look for information
Click the "control" key + "f" key (Mac computer "command" key + "f")
In the search box, type in your
"keyword" and use the arrow(s) to search