Special Education
SAU 6 ensures that all children who have disabilities, from 3 to age 22, who reside in the District, and who are in need of special education and related services are identified, located, and evaluated. This applies to all children with disabilities, including highly mobile children (such as migrant and homeless children), children placed in homes for children, health care facilities, or state institutions, and children who are suspected of being eligible under IDEA, even though they are advancing from grade to grade. In addition, this applies to those children attending approved, non-public private schools within the geographic boundaries of the District.
SAU 6 has established referral procedures, which ensure that all students who are suspected or known to be a child with a disability are referred to the special education evaluation team for further evaluation.
Any person may refer a child to the IEP team at any time by submitting a Referral for Special Education Services Form to the building principal or special education coordinator(please see the building principal or special education coordinator to obtain a copy of the form). Referrals may be made for reasons including, but not limited to the following:
Failing to pass a hearing or vision screening;
Unsatisfactory performance on group achievement test or accountability measures;
Receiving multiple academic and/or behavioral warnings or suspensions/ expulsions from a child care or after school program; and
Repeatedly failing one or more subjects.
Inability to progress or participate in developmentally appropriate preschool activities; and
Receiving services from family centered early supports and services.