The Office of Curriculum, Instruction, Innovation, & Assessment
Michael Koski, Assistant Superintendent
Catlin McLaughlin, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
The Office of Curriculum, Instruction, Innovation, & Assessment oversees and coordinates all instructional programs for SAU#6. This includes the development and coordination of PK-12 Curriculum, Professional Development, and State and Federal Grant Management.
The primary role of the Assistant Superintendent’s Office is curriculum, instruction and support. This includes research and piloting of new curriculum, providing teacher support for instructional delivery, and the purchase of new materials. The office serves as a clearinghouse for the latest data and research on current educational practice, opportunities, and approaches. The goal of the office is the alignment of all SAU#6 curricula with state and national frameworks, as well as the vertical and horizontal articulation within all content areas, across all grades.
Professional Development is also managed from this office. This includes opportunities for Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), workshops, in-district training, course work, curriculum councils, and mentoring. Additionally, the Office of CIIA is responsible for Title grant management and homeschooling.