Our Mission
Technology Services exists to enable innovative creativity within all students and educators. Technology Services is student focused and customer oriented to ensure that all users of technology are adequately equipped, fully supported, and thoroughly trained to actively participate in the technological vision for the entire SAU#6 learning community. Technology Services expands access to academically viable products and services to ensure students and educators are enriched to confidently lead others in a diverse and technologically focused world.
Technology Planning, Budgeting, and Purchasing
Inventory and Configuration Management
Installation and Decommissioning
User Support Help Desk
Systems Analysis & Quality Improvement
Network and Database Administration
WAN, LAN, WLAN management
Network planning
Security Planning & Management
Enterprise-wide systems (Email, Calendar, Accounting, PowerSchool, Library, etc.)
Data Warehouse Management
Data Processing, Analysis, and Reporting
Website Management
Other Software Tools
PowerSchool: Student Information System Support
Attendance Support
Grading and Report Card Support
Schedule Creation and Support
State Reporting Support
Technology Integration in the Classroom
Google Platform Management
Classroom websites
Student E-Portfolios
Interactive whiteboards
Software and computing tools
Professional Development and User Training
Online Standardized Testing Support
Technology Policy & Procedures